The Metaverse: A Critical Introduction


The Metaverse: A Critical Introduction, to be published on 24 September 2024, is a 228-page book which provides both an introduction to the metaverse, and an introduction to the topics which will be covered by later books in the series. The book is heavily referenced to enable the reader to further explore the various topics discussed. The chapters are:

  • Chapter 1 – A History of the Metaverse
  • Chapter 2 – What Is the Metaverse
  • Chapter 3 – The Benefits of the Metaverse
  • Chapter 4 – Technologies of the Metaverse
  • Chapter 5 – Opportunities and Challenges
  • Chapter 6 – The Future of the Metaverse
  • Bibliography (and virtual world list)

  • Although the book has around 50 figures, including many images of different metaverses, black and white still photos are not the best way to visualise these worlds, or the metaverse, so this page will link to further pages for each chapter which provide links to videos of the different worlds, and links to to the worlds themselves, as well as copies of the references to make them easier to follow. We can also use the pages to here to provide updated content.

    All the references in the book (455 of them) are available at: (along with the book's Introduction and Front Matter)

    You can pre-order The Metaverse: A Critical Introduction from:

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