Tuesday 28 May 2024

2nd Book is also almost ready - The Metaverse for Learning & Education


Copy edits have been done and cover approved for the second book in The Metaverse Series on The Metaverse for Learning & Education. It's due to be published in September alongside the Critical Introduction and already available on pre-order:

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Critical Introduction - cover, editing and pre-order!


We've settled on the cover for the Critical Introduction book. Copy-edits have been done and responded too. Final step is to check the proofs and then it's off to the printers. The book is due out 11 Sept 24 and is already up for pre-order at Amazon and Taylor & Francis in hardback, paperback and eBook formats:

The Learning & Education volume is making similar progress, and the draft of The Military Metaverse has also been submitted for internal review.

Time to also start getting the microverse ready to support the series....