Monday 14 October 2024

October 2024 - Useful Links


Whilst I post interesting Metaverse news to my Twitter feed, I thought it might also be useful to post them here. But since they don't merit a whole post for each one I'll experiment with the idea of a monthly post that I add to during the month as news comes in. We'll see how it goes!

Also always worth checking out Immersive Wire for a whole range of stories, only key ones of which I'll repost here.

Thursday 10 October 2024


Here's a new way to sample our new book - The Metaverse: A Critical Introduction - by NotebookLM generated podcast. It's about 19 mins long (but still very listenable at x1.5). Enjoy!

(apologies for the pronunciation of MUDs and MOOs!)

It's interesting how its remixed the axioms and the end scenarios a bit, but certainly catching the gist, and how the female "presenter" brings in her previous history and experiences in virtual worlds.

Odd that Google haven't work out how to end a podcast yet though!

Monday 7 October 2024

Server Meshing


Given recent announcements by Unreal and other vendors there is growing interest in server meshing in MMOs and virtual worlds  - being able to dynamically assign computer resources to different parts of a world as user (and other activity) in each space increases. The idea of having different servers supporting adjacent parts of a world so that you can walk from one server to another is nothing new, it's how Second Life works, but in SL each server has fixed to its supporting region. The key innovation here is that you have a pool of servers or compute resources and you assign them to regions needed - static regions with no one in them get nothing, busy regions with lots of activity and avatars get lots of compute.

More info at:

The Metaverse in Aviation

An interesting look at 4 possible scenarios for the future impact of the metaverse on aviation. There 2x2 matrix  axis are very similar to ours in A Critical Introduction, although our second axis focus is more on control than consolidation, although of course both are linked.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Virtual Series Launch Today! (and Critical Introduction published!)


The virtual launch for The Metaverse Series is today, from 1100 GMT to 2100 GMT. The location is on the Frame virtual world platform at:

This is essentially a drop in event and Maggi or I will be in world (or on call) the whole time, and we have a few fixed points in the day for particular activities as shown below.

If the space is "full" then additional attendees will  be able to join as spectators in a listen0in/don't touch -only mode. Just log back in later if you want to chat and interact.

And The Metaverse: A Critical Introduction is formally published today and available through all good book sellers.

We hope to see you in there later today!

Monday 9 September 2024

Author Copies of The Metaverse: A Critical Introduction have arrived


Hot on the heals of Learning and Education, the author copies of The Metaverse: A Critical Introduction have arrived. Probably the biggest page count that any of the series books will have, but reasonable given that it's effectively an introduction to the whole series.

Remember to sign up for the virtual launch even on 24th Sept, which is also the same day that the book is published - pre-orders via T&F, Amazon and other booksellers.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Author copies of The Metaverse for Learning and Education have arrived!

Maggi and I have just received our author copies of The Metaverse for Learning and Education. Lovely looking book, nice and concise at 112 pages (afraid my Critical Introduction will be a little longer). Pre-orders available now (see links at right), with an 11 Sep release.